Tetep pede sambil sembuhin jerawatnya!! 🩷
their standard doesn’t define you🫶
hiii guyss, be happy and selamat seneng seneng di Eurekaa
Every girl are beautiful in their own way
Semangat buat semuanyaaa!!!
Cantikk have a nice dayyy
War will over eventually! I pass that, you’ll be too! ❤️
Laf yourself first!!❤️❤️❤️
just be yourself, you’re beautiful!<3
Tetep semangat, kalian semua cantik ko
Semangatt semuanya!!! Pejuang
semangatttt para pejuang acne<333
Gapapaaa kamu cantikkk walau ada jerawat♡♡
semangat sobat jerawat inget jangan di pencet ya
halooo!! semangat yaa, cantikmu jangan sampe tertutup sama rasa insecure kamuu!!
Semangat untuk para acne bisa coba pakai toner ms pimple loh
I believe in you, everything would be better!🤍
Hey! You’re beautiful just the way you are!🫶🏻
semangat girls,i know u can do it! jerawat itu normal💗
Semangat lawan acnenyaa, dont give up!!🫶🏻
keep strong acne fighter !
You skin you beautifull❤️
Cantik fisik akan melenyap. tapi cantik hati akan abadi💗
Everytime and everywhere u are beautiful as usual 🤍
keep smile! jerawat tidak menghalangi mu untuk sukses
u did it! my beauty gurl♡
Cintai apapun jenis kulit kamu
Tetap happy dan percaya diri ya kamu ! <3
Dear acne fighter, yuk jangan minder lagi!
Setiap Kita itu unik! So.. jangan insecure tapi BERSYUKUR 💕
Semangat buat kamu yang berjuang acne
Semaaaangaaaat jgn dipencet terus nanti ngebekas susah ulangnya loh
semangat semangattt. semoga makin baikkk
semangat yaa! i’ve been there too!
kamu itu cantik, jadi apa adanya gak buat orang menjauh kok:)
jangan takutt sma jerawatt, krn jerawatt ituu cantikk ❤️❤️❤️
Let past make you better not bitter -cc
semangatt, kita semua cantik!!
Karena cantik itu dari dalam 🩷
Hey kamu ! Yuk semangat terus✨
That's okay! It'll get better, fighting!
Tetap semangat! Be positive
We’re on this journey together
Kamu gak sendiri sayang, semangat yaa
Be patient, be consistent, its continous journey for us acne fighters!
Its okay pimple is just another normal things. It doesnt hide your prettiness
You are making progress every day, even if it may not feel like it.
Believe in yourself, and you'll achieve great things.
You're doing an excellent job, and I'm proud of you.
Kejar mimpimu bestie! dan jangan menyerah.
You're not alone, and you have people who support and believe in you.
Kamu luar biasa dengan apa adanya, kok!
You are not alone we got your back!
You feel like home to me!
Kamu itu baik dan sangat berharga, loh!
You are making progress every day, even if it may not feel like it.
Dear bestie, kamu pasti bisa!
What doesn't kill you make you stronger, dont give up bestie.
Hoping you believe in yourself just as much as I believe in you.
Hope you're doing awesome
We got your back, Bestie!
Optimis adalah kunci dari segalanya!
Kamu harus baik, sama diri kamu sendiri ya!
Stay strong, things will get better <3