Psst.. something natural has just arrived!
Let’s get to know each other better! Introducing to you, Natura Pal as our super kind #PalFromNature! This new bestie has the ingredients and packaging that benefits for both of us and the nature.
Gel Cleanser, Toner Essence, Splash Serum, and Gel Moisturizer in Natura Pal series are made out of 100% Natural Pea Extract and Triple Protection+. A special formulation of nature’s goodness can help us take care of our skin barrier, moisturized, and protect our skin from free radical caused by pollution and dust.
Natura Pal also makes us aware to contribute for preserving the nature. That’s why Natura Pal packaging is environmentally-friendly with natural ingredients, low plastic, and 100% recycle-able. How cool is that!
So, are you ready to have naturally-glowing supple skin while taking care of the environment with Natura Pal Series, bestie?